manchmal haben wir dinge anzupacken. das nennen wir dann aufgaben. eigentlich komisch. wir sollen etwas tun und sagen auf-gaben. das schwierige ist nicht, neues anzufangen. schwierig ist das aufgeben von altem, überholtem. da die zeit in dieser welt begrenzt ist, können wir nicht alles tun, deshalb ist der schritt, etwas neues zu beginnen vor allem eine auf-gabe.
ich hoffe für dich, dass du die gabe des auf-gebens mitgebracht hast. es kommt die zeit wo du alles aufgeben musst um neugeboren zu werden.
was musst du aufgeben? was willst du loslassen? die aufgaben kommen dann von alleine.
ich wünsche dir freudvolle aufGaben.
Sonntag, 26. Juli 2009
Donnerstag, 23. Juli 2009
the millipede
there was once a millipede, with its thousand legs, and his dancing was just fantastic. when he danced, gathered all the animals in the woods to watch him, and they were all impressed by his art to dance.
only one animal did not like the dancing of the millipede and this was the toad. maybe she was just jealous. "how can i ceasing him to dance", she thought. she could not simply say that she did not like the dancing. and she could not even claim, that she could dance better themselves. finally she had a diabolical plan. she sat down and wrote a letter to the millepede. "ooh incomparable millipede!", she wrote. "i am a devoted admirer of your exquisite dancing art. and i wonder, how you dance to the orders. do you lift the left leg number 228 first and then the right leg number 59? or you begin to dance as you include the right number 26 and then you lift the right leg number 499? i look forward to your reply. friendly greetings, the toad.
"spinne ugh!" if millepede got this letter, the first time in his life he actually reflected about his dance. which involve moving it as the first?
and what do you think, what happened? "the millipede did never dance again. "yes, that was the end. exactly this can happen if the think stifle the imaginative.
i got this story today from a fiend. thank you very much marlène, i will continue to dance and not think too much. and i hope for all the beings that they will continue to dance, or start to dance. because dance is the only thing we can do. there is no safety, there is no have. past is only remember and future is only a dream. there is only the moment of dance between the times. so take this moment and dance. and be happy. now.
only one animal did not like the dancing of the millipede and this was the toad. maybe she was just jealous. "how can i ceasing him to dance", she thought. she could not simply say that she did not like the dancing. and she could not even claim, that she could dance better themselves. finally she had a diabolical plan. she sat down and wrote a letter to the millepede. "ooh incomparable millipede!", she wrote. "i am a devoted admirer of your exquisite dancing art. and i wonder, how you dance to the orders. do you lift the left leg number 228 first and then the right leg number 59? or you begin to dance as you include the right number 26 and then you lift the right leg number 499? i look forward to your reply. friendly greetings, the toad.
"spinne ugh!" if millepede got this letter, the first time in his life he actually reflected about his dance. which involve moving it as the first?
and what do you think, what happened? "the millipede did never dance again. "yes, that was the end. exactly this can happen if the think stifle the imaginative.
i got this story today from a fiend. thank you very much marlène, i will continue to dance and not think too much. and i hope for all the beings that they will continue to dance, or start to dance. because dance is the only thing we can do. there is no safety, there is no have. past is only remember and future is only a dream. there is only the moment of dance between the times. so take this moment and dance. and be happy. now.
Mittwoch, 22. Juli 2009
zurück in der vergangenheit
die bauern pflanzen hier abwechselnd reis, mais, korn und kartoffeln an. diese vier dinge sind auch immer mit dabei, wenn wir essen. sei es maisbrot, kartoffeln oder reis, reisbrot, kartoffeln oder maiskolben. auch immer dabei ist dahl, eine art hirsegericht, das in vielen variationen serviert wird.
früh gehen wir zu bett um die sonnenfinsternis zu sehen. leider hatten wir kein glück da die wolken den himmel verhängen. oder doch glück, dass der regen jetzt endlich kommt? ich wünsche es ihnen, den menschen, die so leben, wie wir das nur noch im ballenberg ausstellen. ich wünsche es ihnen von herzen...
fotos sind hier zu sehen...
Samstag, 18. Juli 2009
schwule pinguine und das billigste auto der welt

und noch etwas ganz anderes, auch heute in nepalesischen zeitungen gelesen. die worldtour 2009 von U2 wird mit ihren 44 konzerten einen fussabdruck von einem flug zum mars und zurück zur erde hinterlassen. was die auch immer auf den mars fliegen wollen, tssss, gibts dort etwa auch schwule pinguine?
Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009
thamel kathmandu nepal
is it the steak i eat every day? is it the rikschas and the violin players in the street, the loud music from the cd-shops? the children beggars or the constantly huphup in town? the people who ask me every second: "anything - something", what means the possibility to get every drog if i would like?
no it isn't. i like more to eat thaifood than this westernized steak. the people who ask me every second to spend money or do a trip or bye some drugs nerves me. it is quite a big exercise not to react and that's the only good about. and i am bored of this constantly huphup in the streets. nobody seems to have time and i feel more like in europe than in the east. especially when the night is coming around 7 p.m. the street are full of cars and people and motorbikes. every person seems to take the same streets.
so what is it? i still don't know. but maybe it is the चीया (chiiya - tee) i like to drink so much. perhaps it is the friendly people that always have time to discuss or speak a little. of course some are looking for money or cigarettes becouse they earn maybe 3000 rupee a month what i easely spent in 3 days. and maybe it is the eyes of kathmandu you can see everywhere, on the temple, on bags, t shirts and walls. but i think what i like most is the not perfect streets, the not perfect electricity, the not perfect things you can buy. many things are still handmade here. becouse if every thing is perfect there is nothing more to do in kath man du.
Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009
kathmandu post - कान्तिपुर
Samstag, 11. Juli 2009
रेडियो कान्तिपुर
i did read: radio kantipur (reidyo kantipur) and if you like, you can see the page on
Freitag, 10. Juli 2009
Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009
wake up. thinking about my love. meditating and shower. going downstairs to drink चिया (tee). and like every day i search for the newspaper to find a sudoku. but today there is no new newspaper here. finally i find a oldpaper with a nedoku. nedokus are very cool. you can solve it like a picoku. it was very difficult to solve it.
try it youself!
help for the nepali numbers:
1=१ 2=२ 3=३ 4=४ 5=५ 6=६ 7=७ 8=८ 9=९
try it youself!
help for the nepali numbers:
1=१ 2=२ 3=३ 4=४ 5=५ 6=६ 7=७ 8=८ 9=९
Montag, 6. Juli 2009
lerne nepali
so, schon wieder ein neuer blog. wenn du nepali lernen willst, so bist du auf lernenepali willkommen. alles noch etwas in arbeit, aber jeden tag wieder ein paar news.
Donnerstag, 2. Juli 2009
transliteration नमस्ते
nice link to convert from latin letters to nepali. you write for example "namaste" and then just click a space and "नमस्ते" will be shown. google transliteration
u ask som, a friend of me, what is your birthday. he don't know. becouse in nepal they have a different calendersystem. today there is asadh, 19, 2066. if you like to convert a date from our calendersystem to the nepalisystem click here. if you would like to see many different calender systems on choice click here. i wish you a happy day in the year 2066 or 2009. just stay in the moment. this is the most important.
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